Consortium for Professional Security Officer Standards and Training

Our Philosophy: Protection

The desire to not see people victimized while simply enjoying life and visiting healthcare, educational and retail marketplaces, drives our organizational vision and guides the creation of our PSOST competency standards. Ultimately, competency standards must create positive changes in security officer behaviors, and security operations that lead to reductions in workplace violence and safer organizations. We approach organizational safety with a focus on free-market, collaborative, and financially viable solutions that deemphasize enforcement of rules and emphasize the protection of people.

We base these foundational philosophies, and corresponding competency standards, on a "Serve, Advise and Protect" (SAP) organizational safety model. SAP relies on highly competent communicators whose protective activities create high levels of personal and organizational safety, and don’t interfere with an organizations ability to meet their consumer’s needs, maintain financial viability and compete in their respective markets.

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